Boost Juice Style Smoothies
Our Yoghurt Jug powder provides customers with a very simple method to make excellent and authentic Boost Juice style smoothies just using water, yoghurt and fruit juice/fruit pieces. We made this product to work just using a Nutri-bullet style blender which allows for a very simple and quick per person customisation. Multiple fruit and vegetable combinations can be created by your development teams using the "Yoghurt Jug" as a base. Traditionally retailers have relied on ice to get a thick and creamy constancy in their smoothies, which require expensive blenders and a more lengthy/messy process. This is a very suitable method for small coffee shops, street food bars and any store looking to include a range of fruit smoothies.
Watch the demonstration videos below to see how the Yoghurt Jug is made:
Watch the demonstration videos below to see how the Yoghurt Jug is made:
Yoghurt Jug Demonstration
1 litre water, 1 litre milk, 500g Yoghurt powder. These can be mixed with an electric blender or a hand whisk and then stored in the jug in the fridge for a minimum of 5 hours and up to 3 days.
Our Yoghurt Jug can be used to design a limitless amount of products with the use of fresh fruit, fruit juice and fruit syrups. In the below videos we will demonstrate these recipes.
1 litre water, 1 litre milk, 500g Yoghurt powder. These can be mixed with an electric blender or a hand whisk and then stored in the jug in the fridge for a minimum of 5 hours and up to 3 days.
Our Yoghurt Jug can be used to design a limitless amount of products with the use of fresh fruit, fruit juice and fruit syrups. In the below videos we will demonstrate these recipes.
Yoghurt Jug - Fruit Smoothie
Yoghurt Jug - Juice Smoothie
Wholefarm Australia Pty LtdOffice: Unit 3, 16 Veronica StreetCapalaba, QLD 4157, Australia. Postal: PO Box 5698, Alexandra Hills, Qld 4161, Australia. Phone No:+61 7 3824 4737 Email: [email protected] copyright Wholefarm Australia Pty Ltd 2024 all rights reserved |